Web Authoring


  • Mark class register (eg class attendance)
  • Distribute network user accounts (students should log on and reset passwords)
  • I.T. Rules & Regulations in Student Handbook on www.csn.ie
  • Backup (Every student is responsible for their own work. Backup all your files using USB memory stick, Google Drive, Dropbox or similar)
  • Web Authoring WebAuthoring5N1910 downloaded from CETB QA 4-9-2018
  • File Management (Using Windows Explorer create a folder on server 0 CSN and a sub folder for each of the 8 components)
  • Exercise – List 5 of your favourite websites and type a paragraph outlining why you chose each.


MOOCS (Massive OnLine Open Courses)


  • Adobe Dreamweaver, Photoshop
  • Notepad, Notepad++, Gimp (free software available to download)

Useful Links



Class Notes



  • UTF-8 (Unicode is a character encoding standard that has widespread acceptance. Microsoft software uses Unicode at its core)
  • ASCII (if the file is just plain English text) is another example of a character set.
  • UTF stands for Unicode Transformation Format. The ‘8’ means it uses 8-bit blocks to represent a character.
  • UTF-8 Character Chart


  • Currently available development and editing tools for generating HTML tags and CSS style sheets – Notepad, Notepad++, Microsoft Visual Studio Community, Eclipse, NetBeans and HTML editors such as Dreamweaver)
  • Identify the latest industry standard editors available for HTML and CSS. The learner should be able to differentiate between a WYSIWYG and a text editor. Explain difference between Dreamweaver (WYSIWYG) and text editor (Notepad)
  • WYSIWYG HTML: Examples – Adobe Dreamweaver, Microsoft Frontpage.
  • Text editor: Examples – Notepad, Notepad++



  • Basic image editing using Photoshop (resize images and banner design exercise) – free open source software (eg GIMP)
  • Image size, file formats, contrast/saturation, crop, layers and layer styles, lasso tools, feathering – File types gif, jpg, png


  • Discuss the maintenance of evidence for a web authoring project to include documenting relevant research, hardware and software specifications and website evaluation
  • Facilitate the learner to be competent in the following:
  • Understanding the importance of research for a website including copyright issues of material such as text, images and multimedia from the internet.
  • Understand the hardware required to create a website for example:
  • PC or MAC
  • Understand what software is required to create a website, for example :
  • TextPad
  • Adobe Dreamweaver
  • Adobe Fireworks
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Gimp
  • Notepad++
  • Coda 2 (for Mac)


  • Learn how to plan an appropriate design and user interface for a specified website to include documenting each stage of the development process and the selection of an appropriate web authoring tool
  • Understand the theoretical process of designing and developing a professional website project. Explore the following:
  • The basic theoretical principles of design and their application to web authoring: Web Authoring 5N1910
  • Contrast
  • Repetition
  • Alignment
  • Proximity
  • Creation of a site structure and a corresponding site map for a specified audience
  • Creation of website template
  • Planning a logical consistent navigational solution for a specified audience.



  • Linked, embedded and inline styles and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each
  • A working knowledge of CSS styling using HTML tags, class and id as selectors.
  • Font and text properties: font-family, font-style, font-variant, font-weight, font-size, font, text- decoration, text-decoration, text-align, line-height
  • Colour and background properties: color, background-color, background-image, background, url – Sample colour schemes https://www.awwwards.com/trendy-web-color-palettes-and-material-design-color-schemes-tools.html
  • Positioning: absolute, relative, static, fixed, float -borders: border, border-color, border-width
  • Style -lists: list-style-type, list-style-image -units: %, ems, small / medium / large
  • Demonstrate an understanding of pseudo-elements a:link a:hover a:active a:visited


  • Test browser compatibility, resolution and link functionality
  • 5 Browser Compatability (-moz-, -ms-, -webkit-, -o- prefixes)


  • Be able to recommend a course of action for the future upgrading, maintenance and testing of a website
  • Create a set of notes or a maintenance guideline for a potential client to update and maintain a website

12 – HTML5

  • Create a new HTML document
  • Create a style sheet for that document
  • Insert text, images, multimedia tables, forms on a webpage
  • Create an organised file management system
  • Create an intuitive navigation system
  • Create styled links
  • Create a custom layout using HTML and CSS


  • Learn to work independently to design, implement and maintain webpages independent of ISPs and web browsers.
  • Complete whole webpages using either a WYSIWYG or a HTML editor.


  • Design and develop a professional industry standard website, for a specified target audience, ensuring the learner has a good knowledge of each of the following:
  • Practical application of basic principles of design, for web authoring:
  • Contrast, Repetition, Alignment, Proximity
  • Create a site structure and a corresponding site map
  • Importance of website template
  • Plan and create a logical consistent navigational solution
  • Execute a site map and navigational solution.
  • Ensure that all content is accurately presented and easy to access.



  • 1 First web page
  • about.htm
  • 2 Exercise – Hobby
  • 5 Webpage Layout using DIVs
  • HTML5
  • HTML5 and CSS Web Page Layout
  • 6 ID and Class Elements
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________
  • Add tags to your existing web pages from
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________
  • 7 Styling Links using CSS
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________
  • Sample colour schemes – https://www.awwwards.com/trendy-web-color-palettes-and-material-design-color-schemes-tools.html
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________
  • LW-Exercise lw_logo
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________
  • Exercise:     index contact style Background_images
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________
  • CSS Slider index style   
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________
  • Free JavaScript Slider JavaScript_Slider
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________
  • 7 Webpage Layout using New HTML elements
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________
  • Use Notepad++ to design the follwing page Screenshot source_code
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________
  • Use Developer Tools in Chrome(right click and Inspect to analyse html elements and related styles. Styles can be checked on/off to see the effect each css style has.
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________
  • DOM = Document Object Model. Each node has branches. <Title> is a child of the <Head> element. <Head> is the parent.
  • CSSOM = CSS Object Model
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________
  • Based on what you have learned in class design the following webpage using web tile and javascript presentational slider


  • You are required to design a logo for a company named “AppsCork” who designs Android apps. Red, Maroon, White and Black are the colours requested for the colour scheme. Ensure your logo fits in with your design.  Design a webpage using everything you have learned in class to date. You must include text, images, javascript, google map, youtube video, etc in your design.
  • Screenshot to be replicated screenshot
  • Produce the following using HTML and CSS summer_camp
  • CSS  styling Opacity and rgba exercise Opacity_Alpha style
  • Audio using HTML 5
  • Video using HTML 5
  • PROJECT – decide on the subject of the website you are going to design (eg club/business/interest/hobby/real or fiction acceptable)

Exercise – Class Evaluation Test – Mid Term

Image editing with Photoshop

  • Source photos from Google images or similar (crop and cut adjust feather size,….)
  • Design a banner/header for a sample layout similar to exercise 7 above
  • Background images, etc
  • 30 Using Adobe Photoshop to design banners and background images
  • 1-Photoshop-Exercise
  • You are required to design  an image similar to image above to represent CSN using Photoshop
  • Sample Green colour scheme green_screenshot

HTML Editor – Dreamweaver

  • Dreamweaver CC Tutorial 
  • Exercise – You are required to design a header and photo for a webpage for the CSN Open Day March 10th, 2015
  • Relative and Absolute Positioning:  Video
  • Exercise: Design a web page using the following images in Dreamweaver (1000px wide) Image 1:   Image 2:  Image 3: Image 4: 

Responsive Website Design


Research other sites

Design, wire frame, sketches, colour scheme – Sample Colour Scheme and Layout Diagram

Graphics – Adobe Photoshop (free software available on net Gimp does same thing more or less)

Web page and site layout – Notepad++ (free), Adobe Dreamweaver

Web site evaluation

Learn about the following if you plan to continue designing sites:

  • WordPress
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Javascript
  • PHP
  • MySQL

Useful Sites

Basic Webpage Design and Styling (HTML 5 and CSS 3)

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iCzH7UXE1U
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESE5LQ2rhD0